The Project is part of the bilateral cooperation program of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
With the bilateral cooperation program, the BMEL supports partner countries in establishing a productive and resource-saving agriculture and food industry. The cooperation projects promote bilateral relations and mutual understanding on a technical, economic and political level. You can download the official factsheet here:
Project Initiators
German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Mr. Dieter GOERTZ
Executive Officer, Division 624, International Projects, Twinning
General Agency of BMEL
Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC)
Director of Bureau of Foreign Agricultural Affairs (BOFAA)
Implementing Partner
Department of Agriculture Extension
Mr. Veerasak Boonchoen
Director of the Bureau of Agricultural Commodities Promotion and Management
Implementing Agency
The implementation of the German-Thai cooperation project for the promotion of sustainable development of cluster farms in Thailand the Federal Ministry had been awarded by the BMEL in agreement with MOAC by the General Agency GFA to the implementing Agency AFC Agriculture & Finance Consultants (lead) in consortium with DLG International GmbH.
Agriculture and Finance Consultants GmbH (AFC)
Mr. Johannes Geisen
Baunscheidtstr. 17,
D-53113 Bonn
Tel: 0228 923940 00
Fax: 0228 923940 98
DLG International GmbH (DLG)
Eschborner Landstraße 122
Ms. Katharina Staske
D-60489 Frankfurt/M.
Tel: 069-24 788-0
Fax: 069-24 788-112